A Safe Place ... but only with YOUR help.

Abuse or domestic violence happens equally in all ethnic racial, and socio-economic groups of society - young, old, black, white, rich or poor. And almost always women. One of every three women murdered in the United States is killed by a husband or boyfriend.

Chances & Changes is enthusiastic about the private, comfortable house it has secured to help victims of domestic violence in Livingston County, New York. The next step is making our house a home ... a safe home for those in need to take shelter, to take a chance, and make a change for a better life. That is where we need your help.

We need your help to provide families with a comfortable and safe place to sleep. We need your help to provide people with an efficient and safe place to prepare and eat meals. We need your help to provide children with a fun and safe place to play. At Chances & Changes, we need your help to provide people with a place to put things back together to begin again, to feel at home in a safe place.

Domestic violence is a reality. Someone you know may be in an abusive relationship - and you may never find out. Yet Chances & Changes does find out, every day and every night. And Chances & Changes is in a position to help ... but not without you.

To help ... call (585) 658-3940.

Our gift to you for a donation of $30 or more ...

Choose from our series of collectible artwork handcrafted in America exclusively for Chances & Changes. Our iridescent copper butterfly, garden fairy or angel are available either as a garden stake or ornament.

Your contribution is tax deductible. Every gift to Chances & Changes goes to help victims of domestic violence.

For a donor card to print and send in, click HERE.


"After 22 years I finally had the courage to get help. I finally had the courage to leave, I still don't know where the courage came from. I had been physically and sexually abused by my husband for years and never had the strength to walk away from it - not until my youngest was out of school. And now I am on my own. I am safe and I am alive. Chances & Changes gave me a place to stay, to be safe, to start. They let me know I wasn't alone. I will always wonder why I didn't ask for their help sooner."

Lucy, 45

A home is for Love, not for Violence!

HopeLine is a Verizon Wireless exclusive program that uses wireless services and equipment to assist victims in emergency domestic violence situations.

To Donate a Phone

Check our WISH LIST for items that are always useful and welcome.


© Chances & Changes, Inc.

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Chances & Changes Inc. Domestic Violence Program 24 Hour Hotline: 1-585-658-2660 OR 1-888-252-9360